Our work


We have been privileged to work with a wide range of organisations, listed and unlisted, large and small, well established and startup across a broad spectrum of opportunities, issues and risks in a large variety of industries.

Xtal Advisory respects and protects our clients’ confidentiality, which means we don’t publish our client list. Instead, here is a small snapshot of some of our work and the outcomes we’ve achieved in partnership with our clients.

  • We’ve assisted founders and entrepreneurs launch their products, services and funds into the world.

  • We’ve created public policy and key legislative building blocks – on behalf of corporates and government – to achieve positive change for diverse stakeholders.

  • We’ve helped organisations communicate complex, technical information and stories to engage diverse audiences.

  • We’ve built advocacy coalitions through strategic stakeholder engagement that generated goodwill, momentum, positive change and commercial benefits.

  • We’ve helped win the hearts and minds of employees, while also galvanising the support of our clients’ clients for global re-structures, mergers and acquisitions and other major transactions and change programs.

  • We’ve shaped and shared the stories of mission-driven founders, leaders and organisations to build a platform for capital raisings, growth, launches and change.

  • We’ve successfully managed some of Australia’s highest profile issues on behalf of corporates, government and individuals.

  • We’ve led the strategy for organisational responses to high-profile parliamentary inquiries and government reviews to leverage reputational and commercial opportunities and mitigate risks.

  • We’ve navigated boards, executives and investors through organisational and reputational risks, issues and crises.

  • We’ve worked at the cutting edge of materials science, nanotechnology and clean energy solutions to create new thinking and understanding of innovative materials.

  • We’ve been recognised and awarded for leading significant work that provides enduring value for people and the environment.

  • We’ve worked at the intersection of science and business, collaborating with leading industry partners on the development of innovative commercial applications.

  • We’ve authored many scientific papers published in leading international peer-reviewed journals.

  • We’ve provided pro bono services to non-profits helping to realise the potential in young people.